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How to localize lingoes
Currently, Lingoes offers multi-language package, they are English, Dutch, Polish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean. If you're willing to translate the interface of Lingoes into other languages (e.g. your mother tongue), please refer to the following explanation:
  1. First, copy the file lang-template.ini in the folder "Lingoes Installation Folder\lang\" and change the filename to lang-[LanguageCode].ini

    Pay attention that the [LanguageCode] must follow the related ISO Language Code Table.
    For example, French(France) is fr-FR, German(Germany) is de-DE, please refer to the more detail.
  2. Open it by Notepad and translate it.

    You ought to modify configration content about language in 4 lines of the file, the green part of semicolon is comment.

    [Language]              ;No changing
    Code=[LanguageCode]      ;refer to language code
    Translator="You Name"       ;The value is only for your name, email, copyright and so on
    Dir="ltr" or "rtl"                         ;Text direction (ltr & rtl)

    Then modify other content according following way:
  3. Save the result what you modify, then open the dialogue of configuration, you will find that the language you create has been the list of languages, just choose it and click OK.
  4. Please send the file to my email ( if you're willing to share your work. I will upload it on and share it with other users, and your name will be listed on the website.
Here Details of modification method is:
  • lang-[LanguageCode].ini file follows standard INI txt file format, the basic format is:


    key1="value10", "value11"

    You needn't translate section and key, and just translate the content in quote symbol into target language.
  • There are 2 style for value, one is single value in quote symbol, for example:

    Another is batch value, they are divided by comma and blank space. For example:
    AutoMatch="Auto Match", "Auto Match At Index Group"
    Speak="Say It", "Speak the selected text"

    If double quote symbol need be used in value, you can type \". For example:
    DisableMsg="The dictionary is disabled\nYou can enable it from \"Dictionaries\" dialog."
  • For the content what need translation, some content means special meaning, so please keep them intact.

    Generally, the part of non-character and punctuation mean special meaning, no changing.

    Some special character and symbol ( \n, \", |, %s, %d, %lu, %x ) means special meaning, don't change then.

    For example: translate chinese to english
    Tip="灵格斯翻译家\n屏幕取词 : %s\n剪贴板取词: %s"
    Don't change \r\n and %s\r\n while translating.
    Tip="Lingoes Translator\r\nCursor Translator: %s\r\nClipboard Translator: %s"
  • Some value will be filled some blank space for adjusting distance. You can adjust them according to actual situation.

If you still don't understand how to do, please contact me:


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